
Nodulizer alloy

Time:2024-04-28   Nums:2114

The nodularizer acts on the nodular cast iron, which can promote the crystallization of graphite into a spheroid, which is beneficial to obtain nodular graphite. The strength of the spheroidized nodular cast iron is much higher than that of gray cast iron, and its toughness is better than that of malleable cast iron, which effectively improves the mechanical properties of nodular cast iron. In particular, the plasticity and toughness of ductile iron are improved, so that cast iron has a higher strength than carbon steel.

my country is rich in rare earth resources, and the commonly used nodulizers are ferrosilicon rare earth magnesium nodulizers. Most foreign countries use magnesium-based nodulizers, such as pure magnesium or magnesium alloys, and a few countries use calcium-based nodulizers.


Yiphee Electric Furnace Co.,Ltd specializes in the production of induction furnace & Double Inoculant alloy .Tel(WhatsApp):+86-13450756789, yiphee@yiphee.cn

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